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Fellowship / Fellowships



Digital Coast Fellowship

2020-2022 Project Summaries

Association of State Floodplain Managers: Eleanor Rappolee, from Michigan State University and nominated by Michigan Sea Grant, was matched with the Association of State Floodplain Managers (in partnership with the Coastal States Organization) to support coastal communities to tackle one of the greatest challenges to reducing flood damages and costs in a changing climate—repeatedly flooded properties—through research, guidance development, and direct technical assistance.

National Estuarine Research Reserve Association: Mary Schoell, from Yale University and nominated by Connecticut Sea Grant, was matched with the at National Estuarine Research Reserve Association at Narragansett Bay Research Reserve to characterize the needs for coastal wetland migration pathway information, identify preferred tools and communication approaches, and develop best available wetland pathway data and tools.

The Nature Conservancy: Anna Jane Jones, from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and nominated by North Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with The Nature Conservancy to plan and implement nature-based solutions to reduce risk in two regions of the Southeast United States that have been recently impacted by hurricanes: the Florida Panhandle and the Carolinas Coastal Plain.