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Fellowship / Fellowships



Coastal Management Fellowship

2010-2012 Fellowship Project Summaries

California: Heidi Nutters, from Brown University and nominated by Rhode Island Sea Grant, was matched with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission to promote planning for adaptation to climate change for the San Francisco Bay and the California coast.

Maine: Julia Caldwell Noordyk, from the University of Wisconsin and nominated by Wisconsin Sea Grant, was matched with the Maine Coastal Program to develop a marine spatial planning approach for ocean management in Maine.

Puerto Rico: Kasey Jacobs, from Yale University and nominated by Connecticut Sea Grant, was matched with the Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Office to assess sea level rise and coastal vulnerability as a part of the island-wide climate change adaptation strategy.

Washington: The fellow from the College of Charleston and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the Washington Coastal Management Program to provide tools and guidance to local governments to help them plan for rising sea level in Washington.

Wisconsin: Kathy Johnson, from Clemson University and nominated by South Carolina Sea Grant, was matched with the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program to build a Great Lakes spatial decision-support toolbox to address comprehensive plan implementation and coastal hazards resilience.