Diving into the Digital Coast

abstract background image with blue overlay


Coastal communities are faced with countless challenges. Finding the right resources to address these challenges can be difficult. Choose an issue-specific offering from our calendar, or as a host, tell us what coastal management issue you are trying to address and we provide instruction on the best Digital Coast resources to use. Digital Coast resources include products and services from numerous vetted sources, including NOAA.

To host this virtual course, contact us at ocm.tms@noaa.gov.

Learning Outcomes

  • Find Digital Coast resources applicable to a priority coastal issue (varies by offering)
  • Obtain and apply information from selected Digital Coast web-based tools, data sets, and learning products to address common coastal issues
  • Access Digital Coast partner resources


Participant Requirements

  • Internet connection
  • Webcam
  • Headset, or speakers and a microphone
  • Access to Google Meet

Webinar Recording

Start here with the Diving into the Digital Coast Webinar Review to understand what the Digital Coast has to offer. If there's something you want to 'dive' deeper into, please contact us at ocm.tms@noaa.gov.

Host Course Request
Diving into the Digital Coast
  • Host Information
  • Where and When?
  • Review

Host Information

Privacy Act Statement * indicates required field
First name is required
Last name is required
Valid email address is required
10 digit phone number is required
Name with upper and lower case letters required
Organization type is required

Where and when would you like the course to take place?

* indicates required field
City is required
State is required
5 digit zip code is required
Region is required

Review Your Request

* indicates required field

Thank you, {{= firstName }}

We've received your request. A trainer will be in touch with you shortly to discuss the details of your request.

Explore our classroom course catalog for additional courses to host for your organization.